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6 Important Facts About Glaucoma You Should Know!

6 Important Facts About Glaucoma You Should Know!

By : on : October 10, 2022 comments : (Comments Off on 6 Important Facts About Glaucoma You Should Know!)

6 Important Facts About Glaucoma You Should Know!

Glaucoma is one of the most common, serious, and progressive eye disorders affecting people of all ages. Glaucoma affects the optic nerve, so the damage caused by it cannot be reversed. However, early detection of glaucoma can break its progression and abstain vision loss.

Also, people defer glaucoma treatment due to a lack of knowledge. Therefore Krishna Eye Care wants to educate important facts about glaucoma.

Also Read: Everything you need to know about Glaucoma

# Fact 1: Glaucoma affects the optic nerve

The optic nerve is a bunch of nerve fibers that are connected to the brain and transmit visual messages to the brain. Glaucoma increases ocular pressure in the eye and damages the optic nerve, which connects the eye to the brain. Hence the nerve damage caused by glaucoma is permanent and cannot be reversed.

# Fact 2: Certain populations are affected more

Though glaucoma is genetic, anyone can develop it. However, some groups are at risk of developing it; for example-

  • African Americans are likely to develop glaucoma 6-8 times more than European or East Asians.
  • Japanese people in the Asian population are at higher risk of developing angle-closure glaucoma.
  • Senior citizens above 60 are six times more likely to develop glaucoma.
  • Steroid usage can also lead to glaucoma. Adults using steroid inhalers for asthma should seek regular eye pressure checkups.
  • Those with eye injury are also at a higher risk of developing glaucoma. Eye injuries potentially affect the eye’s drainage system, causing traumatic glaucoma. It can happen due to sports injuries while boxing or playing baseball.

# Fact 3:Glaucoma can be asymptomatic

Unfortunately, open-angle glaucoma, the most common type, manifests no early symptoms. Therefore people who don’t have regular eye checkups live with this condition for years until glaucoma worsens. However, some people may experience these symptoms:

  • Eye pain
  • Headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Halos around lights
  • Redness of eyes
  • Blurred vision

Hence there is only one way to identify and break their progression, and that is to receive an early diagnosis with routine eye exams.

# Fact 4: Glaucoma is hereditary

Glaucoma passes in heredity; hence a family history of glaucoma can increase the risk of passing glaucoma in progeny. Open-angle glaucoma is the most common type, and your risk is 4-9 times higher if any immediate family member has glaucoma.

# Fact 5: Routine eye check is a must for glaucoma detection

Since glaucoma is a progressive eye disease with no clear early indications, the possibility of visual impairment is highest for those who have never had eye checkups. Once the vision is lost, it cannot be regained.

Proper Glaucoma checkup includes:-

  • Vision Recording
  • IOP Check
  • Gonioscopy and slit lamp examination
  • OCT-Optic Nerve
  • Perimetry

Therefore, it is important to seek regular eye checkups.

These tests are to be conducted serially every 6 months or annually as treating physician thinks necessary.

# Fact 6: Glaucoma can be treated

Though the damage done by it cannot be reversed, learning about glaucoma can break its progression. Once the glaucoma stage is identified, the doctor can prescribe the most suitable treatment for glaucoma. Glaucoma treatments include

  • Prescriptioneyedrops: The doctor can give prescription eye drops that delay glaucoma progression. It lowers ocular pressure and hence prevents optic nerve damage. Majority of Glaucoma patients are very nicely controlled though eye drops and some require eye surgery.
  • Glaucoma surgery via laser treatment: Nowadays, laser treatment is a very safe and effective way of eye treatment. The doctor will use a laser to drain fluid out of the eye, reducing ocular pressure in the eye. There are two types of laser treatments, namely:
  • iStentinject®W: It is a small medical device implanted in the body. It helps reduce ocular pressure in the eye. This treatment is usually done in conjunction with cataract surgery.
  1. YAG PILaser: Indicated for treating narrow-angle (closed-angle type) glaucoma. For this, a small hole is made in the peripheral iris of the eyes, and the fluid is drained. It equalizes the pressure between all compartments of the eyes.
  1. SLTLaser: This is pain-free laser surgery. The doctor increases the width of the fluid channels to drain accumulated fluids inside the eyes.

Visit Krishna Eye Care for a detailed eye checkup and learn about glaucoma because prevention is better than cure. Also, don’t hesitate to consult our glaucoma specialist in Mumbai, who will diagnose and suggest you the best treatment for glaucoma.

So far, hundreds of patients have benefitted from our glaucoma surgery in Mumbai. You could be the next.


Md. Oliullah Abdal


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