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Retina and Uvea

Retina specialist in Mumbai

service retina


Retinal Detachment is a condition in which the retina gets separated from the layer that contains blood vessels, the “choroid” leaving the retina without oxygen and nutrients. This puts the eye at risk of permanent vision loss unless appropriately treated by a trained retina specialist in Mumbai.


Holes or tears occur in the retina and lead to the leaking of eye fluids and the separation of the retina from the underlying tissues. These tears can be caused by trauma, severe nearsightedness, or separation of the gel that tills the retina inside your eye from the retina
A pull on the retina may also occur if long-standing inflammation, uncontrolled diabetes, or scarring of the retina after some previous surgery.


  • Flashes or streaks of light
  • Floaters or semi-transparent or cloudy specks in the vision
  • Failing or blurry vision
  • A grey shadow on the peripheral field of vision, moving like a unchain


At Krishna Eye Centre, we have one of the best teams of retina specialists in Mumbai. Given below are the treatment options available for Retinal detachment efficiently offered by them:

  • Photocoagulation in which laser is used to form tiny burns around the retinal tear, which later forms scars and seals the retina
  • Cryotherapy where intense cold is applied to freeze the retina around the tear and forms scars
  • Pneumatic Retinopexy i in which a small gas bubble is placed in the eye that helps to push the retinal tear against the back wall of your eye
  • In most cases, advanced surgical procedures like Scleral Buckling, Vitrectomy with Silicon Oil insertion might require reattaching the retina. Krishna Eye Centre is the best hospital to visit if you opt for Scleral Buckling to treat retinal detachment by retina specialists in Mumbai.

retinal detachment surgery. We provide a wide range of treatments and procedures to restore vision. Our centers are conveniently located at Parel, Dadar, and Sion. If you are in search of a highly professional retina specialist in Mumbai for retinal detachment treatment in Parel, Dadar, and Sion, book an appointment with us.


If my retinal Detachment occurred after eye surgery, does it mean that the surgeon made a mistake?

No, retinal tears can occur even after an eye surgery has been performed at the highest levels of excellence without any complications. This complication may be related to the normal alterations in the jelly during or after eye surgery.

I wear spectacles with numbers of -6.0 in both my eyes. Do I need to see a doctor even if my vision has been stable in the last five years and I have no problems?

Yes, if you have glasses of more than 6 Diopters (called a high myope), it puts you at a greater risk than others to develop a retinal detachment. Therefore, you need to undergo a dilated retinal examination to look for any early signs at least once a year.

I was operated on recently for a retinal detachment in my left eye. Do I have a chance of developing it in my right eye too?

Yes, unfortunately, the chances of retinal Detachment are increased in the other eye after one eye suffers it due to a condition like lattice degeneration. You can help prevent it by regular eye examinations and taking care of any predisposing conditions in your normal eye. However, if one eye suffers retinal Detachment after an injury, the chances are not raised in your other eye.

Will I be able to see better immediately after my surgery?

The improvement in vision after surgery depends on the type of surgery. Your vision will be blurry for many weeks, sometimes even months. The outcome also depends on a number of factors, like if your macula was detached (rare for central vision to return) or if new holes develop (is seen in 5- 9% of people).

In a scleral buckle surgery, does the buckle need to be removed?

Once a scleral buckle is stitched into the wall of your eye, it stays there forever. It cannot be seen by others and causes no serious problems. However, it may have to be loosened in rare instances if it causes pain or removed if it causes infection.