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Cataract Surgery in Mumbai by Krishna Eye Center

Cataract: Signs, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

By : on : March 17, 2022 comments : (Comments Off on Cataract: Signs, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment)

Cataract: Signs, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

What is Cataracts?

Any opacification of the clear crystalline lens is like seeing through its capsule in the eye is called cataract Cataracts can make it more difficult for patients to drive a car, read, or see the expression on a friend’s face. This condition affects the eye’s transparent lens behind the pupil and the colored iris. Cataract is part of normal aging just like the greying of the hair, its mostly painless but if it becomes very advanced occasionally it can cause pain.

Signs and Symptoms of Cataracts

Chances of cataracts are significantly higher for those with a family history of the disease, so it is important to keep your eye doctor aware of your family’s health history. In addition, your yearly eye exam is a great time to inform your doctor of any developments with your vision.

The best cataract surgeon in Mumbai suggests Scheduling an eye test if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Night-time glare
  • Blurry vision
  • Double vision
  • Seeing bright colors as dull or yellow
  • The need for extra light to read
  • Discoloration of the pupil

Causes of Cataracts

  • Aging
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Steroid usage
  • Injury
  • Smoking
  • UV Light exposure
  • Radiations


Cataract once formed cannot be treated by any medications, surgery is the only line of treatment

At “KRISHNA EYE CENTRE” we practise the “NO INJECTION, NO STICH, NO PATCNO DARK GLASSES” technique. The surgery is done under Topical Anaesthesia or drop anaesthesia thereby no injection is required.

Once the cataract lens is removed, a new intraocular lens (IOL) is inserted. There are variety of IOL’s which a patient can choose from.


Cataract formation can be prevented by:-

  • Usage of UV Protected Glasses
  • Quit Smoking
  • Avoid Radiation
  • Eat Healthy Food

Book an appointment with us for an eye hospital in Mumbai to get cataract treatment and consultations. Krishna Eye Care has an experienced team and has closed thousands of cataract surgery cases in Mumbai.

Md. Oliullah Abdal


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